My affordable gift page has original artwork you can purchase for yoursef or friends. Scroll down to see the original artwork and visit my shop to purchase any you like. We will ship to you or whoever you like, or arrange pickup or delivery.
Gamble Gardens
Elizabeth Gamble Gardens (Palo Alto, CA)
Original colored pencil drawing
in an 11x14 black mat
Includes shipping and handle (US only)
Trudging Through the Snow
Martis Camp, Truckeem CA
Original colored pencil drawing
in an 14x11 forest green mat
Includes shipping and handle (US only)
Original Paintings and Drawings
The Snowy Forest
Original ink and gouache painting in am\n 11x14 mat.
Flowers in Yellow Vase
Original watercolor in an 8x10 grey mat
Includes shipping and handle (US only)
Tumbling Waves
Origina; watercolor in an 11x14 black mat.
includes shipping and handle (US only)
Yosemite yeah!
Two Trees Dancing, Toulomne Meadows, Yosemite.
This is from a drawing I did while camping in Tolumne Meadows in Yosemite. The white rock is so memorable, but what struck me was that the trees seems to be communicating with one another in a wonderful dance.
Acrlic on canvas, 16x20.
$395 includes ship and handling
Fantasy Land
This 9x12 oil on canvas is called And the Horse Jumped Over the Moon. Ideal for a child’s bedroom or somewhere whimsical!
$145. (includes ship and handle in US only)
Small Canvases & Easels
Pond: Acrylic on 4x4” canvas
Iris: Acrylic on 4x4” canvas
$42.50 Includes ship and Handle (US only)
Five original goauche paintings, each 8”x8” on black card.
$50 includes ship and handlingm US only
Kitchen Series
Have a cuppa and
some nasturtiums
Two additional gouache paintings on black, each 6x6 with square mat.
$50 includes ship and handlingm US only